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Return of the Friday 5

By March 19, 2021August 7th, 2021Friday Five

Greetings everyone 🙂

It’s been over a year since I last sent the Friday 5. It ended rather abruptly, and I apologize for that.

The reason is that, frankly, I got a bit burned out. The plan was to take a month-long break. But as you might recall, things started getting a bit weird toward the end of February last year.

Much has happened over the last year+, and we are all probably still processing, recovering, trying to make sense…

My wish is that you find whatever it is you need right now. And with that, I will shake of the dust and present the Friday 5. Please note that I may play with this format over coming months 🙂

Sleep Awareness
It’s Sleep Awareness Week! Sleep is under-prioritized in healthcare and has huge health implications. If you want to learn more, listen to any podcast featuring Matthew Walker or get his book, Why We Sleep.

What I’m Listening To
I may have been late to this party, but last year my bassist introduced me to the music of Khraungbin (Spotify link). I’m struggling to describe them. How about a list of adjectives? Groovy. Worldly. Tasteful. Smiley. Just listen, k? Their Tiny Desk is good, too.

Quarantine Creations
One of the inspiring things to come out of shelter in place, etc. was a flourishing of creativity and output for a ton of artists. I was fortunate to be a part of a few collaborations, a record release, and even a comic book! Here is one of my favorite collabs with UK-based musician and music therapist, Sarah Morgan. We recorded this YouTube video of Pearl Cadillac (Gary Clark Jr.).

What I’m Reading
Measure What Matters by John Doerr.
Song Exploder – where musicians take apart their songs piece by piece and tell the story of how they were made. It’s also on Netflix 😉

Have a great weekend!

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