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More Tips for an Intern

By December 20, 2011April 30th, 2014Guest Work

Caitlin, the author of yesterday’s post (5 Things to Do Before the End of Internship) also sent along this little bonus section. I think everyone can benefit from this list of tips!

BONUS Section! Staying centered during your final days of internship.

For a yoga fanatic such as myself, I am constantly pursuing my center!  The craziness of growing up can often be over whelming; here are some quick tips to keeping a healthy mind, body and spirit.


  1. SLEEP. Sleep is essential for a sharp mind and happy intern.
  2. FOCUS.It is easier to do the work NOW than to worry about not having done the work later.
  3. Free reading.  Your brain is a muscle that requires consistent workouts.


  1. Eat Healthy. Whatever healthy means for you, use food as fuel but don’t be afraid to treat yourself.
  2. Stretch it out.  When feeling overwhelmed a little stretch goes a long way. (
  3. Remember to breathe. Inhale…and…exhale.


1. Self-centered time. What do you like to do? For me it is yoga…for you it could be knitting, cooking, reading, singing, football, dancing, weight lifting, basket weaving…you get my point.

2. Stay connected. Re-connect with old friends and chat with family members.

3. Observe quiet time.  Take a minute away from everything-it is easy to get over stimulated-so be aware of what you need and don’t be afraid to say no.

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